Barry M has always been Cruelty Free but now we’re proud to be doing more to help raise awareness and funds for the natural world.
Barry M’s WILDLIFE® collection was created to give back to nature. 20% of net profits from the sale of all Barry M WILDLFE® products go to conservation and wildlife charities who are working to make a difference.
Our first Limited Edition WILDLIFE® Collection featured four endangered species from around the world; WILDLIFE® ‘Tiger’ and WILDLIFE® ‘Snow Leopard’, WILDLIFE® ‘Pangolin’ and WILDLIFE® ‘Rhino’, plus a range of 6 Nail Paints and 3 Lip Balms, all support the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF). You can find out more about these species and DSWF later on this page.
Our latest WILDLIFE® Limited Edition eyeshadow palettes feature three endangered British insects species; WILDLIFE® Butterfly, WILDLIFE® Bee and WILDLIFE® Beetle.
Although often overlooked, insects are fundamental to our ecosystem and many are now endangered in the UK.
To raise awareness for these species we’re working with a charity with extensive experience of conservation in Britain, the People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES). Funds from the sales of Barry M’s British WILDLIFE® palettes will go to the charity to help fund projects that support insects throughout the UK.
People’s Trust for Endangered Species
PTES works to ensure a future for endangered species in the UK and throughout the world. The charity protects some of our most threatened wildlife species and habitats, and provides practical conservation support through research, grants, educational programmes and wildlife surveys.
In the UK, PTES is currently working hard to help hazel dormice, hedgehogs, water voles, noble chafers, stag beetles, traditional orchards, native woodlands, wood pasture and parkland and hedgerows.
Why British Wildlife?
A quarter of Britain’s native insect species are at imminent risk of extinction. Species such as bees, butterflies and beetles are all in decline.
Insects play vital roles in the ecosystem. Pollination is carried out by bees and butterflies – as well as some ants, flies, beetles and wasps. So the continuation of most plant species is dependent on them. Not only is this important for wildlife habitats, but also for humans, who rely on effective pollination for food. Due to habitat loss, insecticides and climate change, bee and butterfly numbers have been declining for many years.
As for beetles, they are prominent decomposers and, as predators, they reduce populations of problem insects.
In terms of our three Butterfly, Bee and Beetle palettes, PTES is already working on various related projects which we will now help to support and develop:
PTES increases awareness of endangered bee species and provides scientific evidence to facilitate the action necessary to protect them and other important insects. They also promote and educate the public on building bee friendly habitats in their garden or local green space such as insect hotels, bee nesting sites, and native wildflowers.
PTES conducts butterfly surveys in their nature reserves to see how they are faring and builds butterfly friendly habitats to give them a safe place to live and breed. They also = conduct research into the best ways to help them. PTES intern, Sarah Meredith, surveyed grasslands to search for large blue butterflies and investigate how to best manage land for butterflies. Her findings were shared among policy makers and land managers to improve butterfly habitats and give them the best chance of survival.
PTES works with developers and ecologists to help protect noble chafers, as well as mange their own traditional orchard, where they plant and nurture fruit trees to increase the number of available habitats for them. They also put up nesting boxes, filled with wood shavings and leaf litter, to provide extra habitat for noble chafers where trees are gradually dying.
To learn more about PTES’ work on noble chafers, visit
How can we help?
Populations of the UK’s most important wild animal species have plummeted by an average of 60% since 1970 and a recent report described the UK as ‘among the most nature-depleted countries in the world’. These losses mirror the global loss of wildlife, which many scientists say is the start of a sixth mass extinction on Earth and is undermining the natural life-support systems that humanity relies on.
Gloomy? Perhaps… but, if we act now, we can all make a difference. The world is changing and we want to be a part of that change.
To find out more about the work of People’s Trust for Endangered Species, visit their website.

Our original WILDLIFE® palette designs feature artworks created by artist Emily Lamb, granddaughter of the charity’s founder, David Shepherd.
At least 20% of Barry M’s profits from the original WILDLIFE® collection will go to DSWF.
Barry M launched WILDLIFE® in 2019, a beauty collection where every product sold provides a donation to the animal it champions.
This simple idea is one of the many reasons we chose to work with David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. In the same way as DSWF, Barry M’s WILDLIFE® products will now champion and give back to the animals they feature:
"I set up my foundation with the sole purpose of giving something back to the animals that helped me achieve success as an artist. At a time when the world's wildlife is under such devastating pressure from expanding human populations and the illegal trade, it seems fitting that we take a step back and reflect on the sheer beauty and diversity of our natural world and what could be lost if we do not truly appreciate the value of the world around us." - David Shepherd

Protecting WILDLIFE® Tigers
DSWF supports tiger conservation across Asia through funding key, ground-based project partners in Russia, Thailand and India. The organisation fights to protect the world’s last remaining wild populations in their natural habitat.
Through educational programmes involving creative arts in Russia, to anti-poaching dog squads in India, DSWF is committed to protecting these species and the communities who share their space. DSWF also fights for greater legal protection and calls for an end to all trade in tiger parts and derivatives.
Image credit: Surya Ramachandran

Protecting WILDLIFE® Snow Leopards
DSWF supports field-based snow leopard protection and community engagement programmes in both Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan. They not only provide support to both habitat expansion and protection, but also viable, sustainable, alternative livelihoods and micro-financing initiatives for rural herders and communities living in harmony with these elusive creatures.
Image credit: Milan Trykar

Protecting WILDLIFE® Pangolins
Despite pangolins remaining relatively unknown, the pangolin trade has reached epidemic proportions. With over one million pangolins believed to have been traded illegally in the last decade, pangolins are now the most heavily trafficked wild animal in the world.
Pangolins are in high demand for their meat which is considered a local delicacy, for their scales for medicinal purposes in China, and their leather for wearable goods in the USA.
In 2016, all eight species of pangolin were re-classified at CITES to give them the highest level of protection, however illegal trade is still ongoing; in 2017, China made the biggest recorded seizure of pangolin scales at 11.9 tonnes, which is the equivalent of around 20,000 pangolins.
Image credit: Angus Hart

Protecting WILDLIFE® Rhinos
Rhinos are one of the oldest living creatures on the planet and have lived on earth for over 40 million years. However, in less than a decade more than 8,800 rhinos have been lost to the poaching epidemic sweeping across Africa and Asia with their horn now rivalling the price of gold on the black market.
The illegal wildlife trade, combined with habitat destruction and human encroachment, have pushed rhinos to the brink of extinction. Rhino populations have decreased dramatically throughout Africa and Asia and have never been in more need of protection.
Image credit: Gary Bushell
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) is a highly effective wildlife conservation charity, founded by the late, great, wildlife artist and conservationist, David Shepherd CBE FRSA (1931-2017). The charity seeks to help save endangered wildlife around the world.
DSWF works to fight wildlife crime, protect endangered species, and engage local communities to protect their native wildlife across Asia and Africa.
Through dedication and hard work, DSWF has influenced policy, shifted attitudes and provided an unwavering voice for wildlife conservation, from grass-roots to the world stage, for 35 years. They work hard to maximise the impact of every donation received and – to date – have invested over £9.5m in wildlife conservation projects.