Healthy and Happy at Home
Happy and Healthy at Home
While we're all staying at home during this unpredictable time, keeping happy and healthy is more important than ever. We know that staying at home during the can be a really big adjustment and a tricky challenge for some, so we’ve put together some top tips of our fave ways to keep a positive mindset and stay happy and healthy at home during the Coronavirus lockdown!
Get the journal out

It's easy to start feeling lonely at home, especially if you're usually a social butterfly who loves to see friends, or even if you're just used to the routine buzz of an office environment. Unloading your thoughts into a journal is a great way to clear your mind at the end of each day. Try reflecting on the day, recording your thoughts and mood, or even a list of things that you're grateful for before you go to bed. This can really help to ease the mind, find gratitude and set you up for a good nights sleep!

If you haven’t tried meditation, now is the perfect time! As well as being proven to reduce stress, control anxiety and promote emotional health, meditation is a great way to rebalance and clear your mind of distracting and negative thoughts. YouTube has thousands of meditation guides for beginners and beyond, so set yourself some regular me-time and give it a go!
Try yoga

Here at BM HQ we’re so on the yoga hype. Regularly practicing yoga increases flexibility and muscle strength and can improve your breathing too! Yoga is super easy to do from home, no matter what level you are. Pop on some comfy clothes, grab a mat (if you have one) and get started. YouTube is the best place to start for a guided session!
Phone a friend

A good catch up with someone you're missing right now, or an old friend can make you feel much more at ease in these stressful times. Pick up the phone and give your besties a call, they might be needing it as much as you! Video calling is also a great way to stay in tune and stop any FOMO you might be experiencing right now! For group calls try downloading the app ‘Houseparty’ for a virtual gathering, it'll lift your spirts way up high!
Tidy up and light a Candle

Tidy space, tidy mind! After a long day, nothing makes you feel better than relaxing in a neat and tidy environment. After a quick spring clean of your WFH area and living space, light a candle and get cosy! We love a calming scent like lavender to help us unwind our minds and enjoy our down-time.